
A four-week series on The BREAD OF LIFE DISCOURSE Chapter 6 of John’s Gospel in the Year of Parish Revival (Evening)

A four-week series on The BREAD OF LIFE DISCOURSE Chapter 6 of John’s Gospel in the Year of Parish Revival (Evening)


6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Event Type

In response to the Bishops’ invitation to reflect more and ponder on the Eucharist during these years of Eucharistic Revival, our pastor, Father Joe will begin a four week course, A Presentation of THE BREAD OF LIFE DISCOURSE.  This will be a time together to reflect on the Eucharist because of the impactful words and teaching in Chapter 6 of John’s Gospel.

The purpose of the Year of Parish Revival in the second year of the National Eucharistic Revival is to discern how we might “heal, form, convert, unify, and send” our parishioners, parents, and friends of All Hallows through a “rekindled relationship with Jesus in the Eucharist.”

This four-week series will take place in the Church each Wednesday in October: the 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th after the noon Mass and will be repeated at 6:30 pm that evening. Father Joe will be offering insights to revive your love for Jesus in the Eucharist and provide a pathway to encounter, believe in, and worship Jesus in the Eucharist in a more profound way than ever before.