Annual Lenten Collection

Stewardship is an invitation to all of us to live our faith in real and concrete ways. The Catholic Church has a mission to preach, teach and sanctify throughout the world. Stewardship calls us to become personally engaged in this. We have a choice to make regarding our part in the mission of the Church. Each year all parishes are asked to participate in the Annual Lenten Collection.
This weekend we invite you to participate in the 2021 Annual Lenten Collection.
What is it all about? The diocese asks for you to choose or divide your financial contribution as you choose among the following:
- Catholic Relief Services
- Church in Africa
- Church in Latin America (including Dioceses of Tijuana and Mexicali)
These places seem so very far away. Yet, isn’t the Church universal, rather that parochial? Who will be responsible for those brothers and sisters if we do not see them as entrusted to our care? What is my personal investment? Christ, the Great Teacher, used the parable of the faithful steward in Luke’s gospel to help us know the answer.
“Who, then, is the faithful and prudent steward whom the owner will put in charge of the servants to distribute the food allowance at the proper time? Blessed is the servant whom the owner on arrival finds going so. Truly, I say to you, the owner will put the steward in charge of all the owner’s property.” Luke 12:42-44
Sharing our resources is a step at a time in our stewardship conversion. Is my faith strong enough to consciously commit a portion of my treasure to this mission?
Return your envelopes any time this month in the offertory or to the parish office. Or use the button below to give with your credit card.