Catholic Schools Week at All Hallows Academy
Catholic Schools Week – The Stewardship of our Children
“Train children how to live, and when they are old they will not depart from it.” Prov. 22:6
We have many of our children with us in Catholic school for nine plus years. What we teach them about taking care of others will lay a foundation for a lifetime. They learn to serve through the yearlong efforts of the Parent Teachers Guild Outreach Committee, and the individual classroom outreach programs coordinated by Mary Skeen, Principal.
Our children are also eager and interested observers of the adults in our community who commit time to the parish and give through our Christmas collections that they see when they are here. So remember when you are giving your time and talent and finances a young Catholic may and probably is watching. We all have a hand in their Catholic School stewardship formation.
In anticipation of Catholic Schools Week, these are some of the ways you can lend financial support to the amazing parish school at All Hallows’:
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