Collection for National Needs

Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you?
This month we live the gospel through the National Needs Collection for 2020. You can return your gift anytime this year.
What are you supporting?
You will divide your contribution, as you indicate, among the following causes:
- Catholic Home Missions
- Catholic University of America
- Campaign for Human Development
- Catholic Communications Campaign
- Black and Indian Missions
Why give to this every year?
Firstly, we give because it is an extension of our stewardship from All Hallows parish to the rest of the Church. Also, just as we give to renew and grow the ministries of our parish, we cannot fail to reflect on the Church in the United States that surrounds us and supports us.
As a Catholic Community we are blessed with a 60 plus year history and tradition of prayer, education and service. Our Catholic heritage is something we need to give thanks for… it is a great blessing.
We are called to be faithful to the vision and message of the gospel to continue Christ’s work on earth. Our financial stewardship to those in need continues in good times and bad. It is a commitment to witness through the financial support we give this month and beyond. A sign to the Lord that we are present to His word in the gospel we embrace.