
June Outreach

June Outreach


06/21/2021 - 06/27/2021    
All Day

Event Type

“Be merciful just as your Father is merciful.” —Luke 6:36

Many have already made a gift for the 2021 appeal. Thank you on behalf of the parish.

Others may be waiting to know more about where your donation will be used in the coming year.

The Annual Catholic Appeal enables instruction in the faith by supporting evangelization and catechesis, youth and young adult ministry, Catholic schools, and adult faith formation.

The Annual Catholic Appeal promotes priestly ministries by supporting vocations to the priesthood, formation of candidates, and care for our retired priests.

Finally, the Annual Catholic Appeal supports Catholic Charities whose clients include homeless men and women, seniors, pregnant mothers, refugees and those in need of services such as counseling and food.

These ministries would be difficult for us to support individually.

This appeal allows us to act together as the Body of Christ and, that is a blessing.

Please participate to the extent that you can, by using the envelope at the back of church or online at

Thank you,

Fr. Jerry