Living Our Mission: Annual Catholic Appeal

Stewardship and the Annual Catholic Appeal
Most dioceses in the United States and many in Canada conduct a diocesan appeal each year. The purpose of the appeals differs diocese to diocese. Some use the majority of the appeal money to support ministries and services at the diocesan level. Other dioceses have appeals for charities only. Our diocese combines both these elements in its appeal.
The 2022 Annual Catholic Appeal for the Diocese of San Diego begins this weekend. This year’s theme is “Living Our Mission.”
This year’s appeal is about many things, but it is mostly about you, your response, and putting God first in all things.
“This does not mean that to give relief to others you ought to make things difficult for yourselves; it is a question of balancing what happens to be your surplus now against their present need, and one day they may have something to spare that will supply your own need. That is how we strike a balance: as Scripture says, “The person who gathered much had too much; the person who gathered little did not go short.” 11 Cor. 8:12-15 (New Jerusalem Bible)
It is essential for our diocese to be committed to stewardship; to place the annual appeal in front of you and ask your commitment to support it this year. You will note in the brochure that you received in the mail that the focus of the appeal is Catholic Schools, Faith Formation, Clergy Formation and Support and Catholic Charities. Just as we did in 2021, let us all try to do as much as we can to reach our goal easily and with great devotion to the faith.
All amounts received by the parish above our goal will be returned to us for our own needs.
A Prayer that WE may REACH IN and support this year’s Annual Catholic Appeal
Loving God,
we thank you for calling us together.
In you we are one.
Help us to remember that united,
we are called to serve and love one another
through the generous sharing of our time,
gifts and resources.
Please bless our efforts and help us
to grow as a united and vibrant
community of faith.
Give us the grace to generously support
the Annual Catholic Appeal
so that we may faithfully
do the work of your Church.
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