Mystery of God
Find the answers that will deepen your faith this fall. How well do you know Christ, our King…
Come together with others in the parish to listen to the newest series by Bishop elect Robert Barron titled “Mystery of God.”
Sessions will be at the Fireside Room on the following Tuesdays:
- October 6, 13, 20, 27
- November 10, 17 (note November 3 is Election Day and we will not meet)
Each day, you may attend either session:
- Morning from 10A to 11:30
- Evening from 7 PM to 8:30 PM
Each teaching session stands alone. There will be an opportunity for an offering at each session. Drop in to one, or all, depending on your time available. Need transportation or childcare? Please call the parish office at 858-459-4975.
THE GOD WHO IS LOVE — November 17
The book of Genesis reveals that we are made in the image and likeness of God. What does this mean? For St. Augustine it affirmed that our own traits—our minds, our self-knowledge, our self-love–can tell us something about God as a Trinity. What is Christianity finally about? What is the deepest meaning of being and all reality? The Christian answer is this: God is love, a play of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.