The Seven Deadly Sins and Seven Lively Virtues

A Four Week Video Series by Word on Fire Institute
WHEN: Thursdays in February
SHOWTIMES: 10 am & 7 pm
WHERE: Fireside Room at All Hallows
Bishop Barron’s series on The Seven Deadly Sins and Seven Lively Virtues will prepare you for the Lenten Season. We’ll feature a NEW video each week, including:
- FEB 3: Introduction to Seven Deadly Sins / Pride & Humility
- FEB 10: Envy & Admiration / Anger & Forgiveness
- FEB 17: Sloth & Zeal / Avarice & Generosity
- FEB 24: Gluttony & Asceticism / Lust & Chastity
A wonderful way to prepare for our Lenten journey.
Join Bishop Robert Barron for this engaging presentation concerning the seven deadly sins, those great spiritual blocks that inhibit our flourishing in relationship with God and one another. Based on Dante’s writings, the seven deadly sins correspond to the seven stories of Dante’s Mt. Purgatory. Pride, envy, anger, sloth, gluttony, avarice and lust are all presented as patterns of dysfunction within us that lead to unhappiness.
However, Bishop Barron shows us how to counteract these seven sinful patterns through a conscious process of opposition, which are the “seven lively virtues.” The seven lively virtues offer antidotes to each sin and help set us on the right path to healing and happiness.