POSTPONED: Women’s Guild Meeting

An Invitation to All the Women of All Hallows Parish Community
A new decade has dawned and it inspires joy and opportunities for the Women’s Guild, affectionately and known previously as Mary’s Messengers to pray and enjoy fellowship in the company of all the ladies of the parish.
Over the last few years the Guild has sponsored many events, the Tea at Wisteria Cottage, the Mother Daughter Teas with the Academy Fashion Show, a retreat at Prince of Peace Abbey, the Christmas Home Tour, Ladies Night Out, Stations of the Cross and a Lenten Dinner, the Christmas Boutique and Bake Sale and BUNKO, let’s not forget Bunko. We would like to do more of these events and would welcome all the ladies of the Parish to join in the fun and enrichment of our faith.
Our monthly meetings are the first Tuesday of the month at 10:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room.
If you are not a meeting person, but want to lend a hand occasionally, we wholeheartedly welcome your participation with any of the events which are planned for this Year of Gratitude.
Keep your eye on the Bulletin and on the church website events page for upcoming information. And let us know what you would like to do by coming to the next meeting or contacting Suzanne Ward at
We look forward to seeing you there for coffee and conversation. If you have any questions or would like to add your name to the Occasional Help List, contact Suzanne Ward at or the Parish Office.
Blessings to all. She believed she could so she did, with Gratitude.