Lent – A Time of Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving

Lent is a time in the Church’s liturgical year where we seem to be more conscious of how we are spending “our” time. But just whose time is it? Really, it is God’s time. Stewardship of time can give each day greater glory if we spend a portion of it in prayer. At the parish, prayer also comes first. We are a community of prayer. It is part of our mission.

Lenten Resources for Your Family

Even if you are not able to come up to the parish, the parish can provide you resources to enrich your prayer life at home. Our website, allhallows.com, can also provide inspiration and convenient ways for you to reflect on Scripture throughout Lent.

Parish Prayer Network
Your intentions are heard through the intercession of the Parish Prayer Network. Call the office with your prayer request or to pray for others. Call (858) 459-2975

Prep for Lent with our Reading Selections

  • Prayer Bundles
  • Art & Architecture
  • Reflections

Visit the USCCB Store

Making the Most of Lent in 9 Simple Steps

  1. Morning offering
  2. Union with Christ
  3. Reviewing the day ahead
  4. Act of faith

See all 9 Steps

Stations of the Cross
Join us outside, at your leisure, on Fridays during Lent. View our beautiful stained glass stations and continue your journey with Jesus.
Download the Stations

Meatless Meals on Fridays
We have selected a few of our favorite meatless recipes directly from All Hallows “Come to the Table” cookbook! Watch your email each Wednesday during Lent for culinary inspiration and shopping lists.
See Weekly Recipes

Create a St. Joseph’s Table
According to Sicilian tradition, each year, families prepared huge buffets to help the less fortunate people of the community, especially the homeless and sick. Remaining food and proceeds were given to the poor.
Learn More Here