Pray the Rosary

October is the Month of the Rosary. Please join us in the church at 7 p.m. each Monday evening during October to pray the Rosary.
Remember to wear your mask and keep six feet of distance between you and those who are not a part of your household.
Did you know that while many people pray the rosary every day, there are also many people who have not prayed the rosary in a very long time (or ever)? No matter how often you pray the rosary, it does not matter to us. You are invited, and you are welcome.
Some people know all of the prayers of the rosary by heart, and they can recite them from memory. Others do not know where to begin, what to say in the middle, or how the rosary ends. No matter how much you know the prayers of the rosary, it does not matter to us. You are invited, and you are welcome.
Some people say all of the prayers of the rosary out loud, while others pray silently and pray only in their heart. No matter how vocal or quiet you are, it does not matter to us. You are invited, and you are welcome.
Did you know that some people use metal and glass rosaries, while others have plastic or fabric rosaries, and still others use a digital rosary app on their phone? No matter your preference, you are invited, and you are welcome.
Join us each Monday in October at 7 p.m. inside the church.
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