
Stewardship of Treasure

This is the start of a new year. A Year of Gratitude to the parish.  It may be a time to reevaluate what opportunities we are missing for future gifts that can make a real difference to us, the givers, and to the giving family.

Social economists tell us we’re entering an era of enormous transfer of wealth from one generation to the next.  As baby boomers progress into their senior years, the asset transfer phenomenon will become massive. A charitable entity that neglects to take advantage of the philanthropic possibilities created by this watershed event is doing a disservice both to its living constituents, who benefit from its programs and services, and to its deceased supporters who die ignorant of the chance to do something special for themselves and for the organization that meant so much to them during their lifetimes.  That “something special” may be a charitable contribution of a magnitude they were unable to accomplish while they were alive.”

-Stewardship: A Parish Handbook, C. Justin Clements

What do we need to do if we want to explore planned giving?

We need to educate ourselves as to what any individual parishioner can do to create a planned gift to the parish.  A simple understanding of Estate Planning (the combination of legal and financial strategies by which a person organizes his or her assets for future contingencies) and Deferred Gifts (those charitable and other gifts which are put off until a later time in a person’s life and/or until after a person’s death) are where we need to start. 

Who to speak with?

The Pastor, and any member of the Finance Council:  John Corrente, Chair, Frank Bugelli, and Cindy Bosh, staff for Stewardship and Development.  

Call the office to set up some time to talk about your spiritual gifts and wise planning in the Year of Gratitude.