
Monday of the 4th Week of Easter

“It’s second nature for us to look for shortcuts. Anything to save time and money,” says Father Jerry in today’s homily, “Sometimes our cutting in line is relatively harmless. But sometimes it causes a real hardship for others. Getting ahead in our careers is good, until unchecked ambition compels us to throw whoever is in our way under the bus!”

Even in the most mundane tasks of our day, the voice of Jesus calls us to realize those times when we act unfairly, unjustly and dangerously.

Father adds that, “Jesus ‘the gate’ calls us to lives of meaning and purpose, and he leads us by the example of his own life of compassionate, selfless service. So as we carry on with the work and tasks of seeking safe pasture today, may we do so without robbing others of their dignity, and without stealing the respect that’s due to others.”