
A Message from Father Joe

Dear friends in Christ, welcome to the month of November! This is the month when we as Catholics traditionally remember to pray for our beloved dead. And for us here at All Hallows parish, November 1 is our Parish Feast Day and a Holy Day of Obligation.

November 2 is All Souls Day. Following the tradition we began last year here in the parish; I would like to invite all of you to bring us framed pictures of your beloved family members who have passed on. For our All Souls masses, we will have those pictures all over the sanctuary as we celebrate mass. It is a beautiful way to remember our beloved dead. You will be able to pick up your framed photos on the days following the All Souls masses. Also on November 2, we will begin our Novena of Masses for All Souls. The envelopes for that Novena are in the back of the church. Please enroll friends and family in the Novena and return it at your earliest convenience.

November is also the month when we traditionally give thanks.  Thanksgiving Day this year is November 24. I hope you can join us for our Thanksgiving Day mass at 9 am. The Sunday following Thanksgiving Day is the First Sunday of Advent. That evening at 4 pm, we will have our Advent reconciliation service. There will be eight priests to hear confession. Please make every effort to be here that night, it is a wonderful way to start the holy season of Advent.

Wishing you every blessing.

Sincerely in Christ,