Wednesday of the 5th Week in Lent

In today’s homily, Father Jerry shares a story where two veterans visited the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, D.C. “With tears in their eyes, they touched the names etched into the black marble… The names of their brothers with whom they served in southeast Asia.” As they leave the memorial, one of the ex-POWs asks, […]

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The 5th Sunday in Lent

“Each year our Jewish brothers and sisters celebrate what for them is the holiest day of the year, Yom Kippur or Day of Atonement,” says Father Jerry in today’s homily, “On this day they are invited to confront the reality of their own death.” The liturgical high point of Yom Kippur is the recitation of […]

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Saturday of the 4th Week in Lent

In today’s homily, Jesus, despite His teachings on compassion and forgiveness, and His many works of healing and reconciliation, becomes a polarizing figure among the Jews. “He is used to justify conflicting agendas and expectations,” says Father Jerry, “He is invoked to justify narrow positions and perspectives.” “Not much has changed in our own time,” […]

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