
Divine Mercy Sunday, April 19

Today is the second Sunday of Easter or Divine Mercy Sunday. “Three times in today’s Gospel, Jesus promises us the gift of peace,” says Father Jerry, “This peace that the risen Jesus gives obviously it is not freedom from day-to-day worries or pain. No, the peace of the risen Jesus is an ongoing attitude of mind and heart.”

Each and every one of us has been entrusted with God’s divine power to forgive. All of us have been entrusted with God’s power to help people break free from whatever is wounding or killing their spirits, freeing them from whatever is isolating them or shrinking them down. Father says that, “Forgiveness is central to living out our Christian faith. Without our forgiveness, yours and mine, it is impossible for others to believe that the risen Jesus is truly the Lord of our lives.”

See Father Jerry’s new video below, and make it part of your celebration of Divine Mercy Sunday. Peace be with you.