
Pentecost as a Family

Our parish celebrates Pentecost as a family. We experience the emotions of a family whenever our members are hurt, or in need, are celebrating and thankful or returning their gifts to God in service to others. Today, we join in a birthday celebration, the birthday of our Church. We are reminded today that Jesus sends us, the disciples, just as He was sent. We remember the way He led and renew ourselves this day to be more like He was.

This concept of service and ministry began with Pentecost Sunday so very long ago. Based on the teachings of Jesus, we are called to give in a way where both givers and receivers are changed.

The celebration on Pentecost gives a context to all our efforts in stewardship. In fact, many parishes throughout the country have their Stewardship commitment of Time and Talent on this day every year to commemorate the gifts of the Holy Spirit that we all receive and our disciple’s response to give in return.

Since today is the Church’s birthday, and we are all called to the celebration, consider the gifts you will bring: your time, your talent and treasure.