
Stewardship and Summer Service

A bumper sticker question, “If you were accused of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?”

Memorial Day weekend means summer is right around the corner and Catholic stewards need to remind themselves that stewardship continues as we head into those days of vacation, barbeques, family reunions and long overdue trips.

There are many service opportunities to consider for the summer months. Although most of us slow down the pace and anxiety with summer, the needs out in the community are ongoing.

Because everyone’s gifts differ and everyone’s schedules differ, the parish offers a variety of things to praise the Lord and help his people.

We also encourage you to take the time to clean out the closets, cabinets and garage in anticipation of our St. Vincent de Paul truck that will visit again this fall.

Check the bulletin and the website and call our parish office anytime this summer for service.

We are also available to our youth who may want to get going on high school or junior high school service hours for next semester.