
Thursday of the 16th Week in Ordinary Time

“Every professional writer will tell you how much they value a good editor,” says Father Jerry. “A master of style, grammar, and structure, who can immediately see the simple mistakes that the writer cannot see, who can point to ideas that are unclear and paragraphs that are muddled.”

Good writers realize that they spend so much time on writing and rewriting they become blind to mistakes and oblivious to clutter in their works. A wise and gentle editor can see what the writer can no longer see.

“As we write our own stories,” adds Father, “we can become so focused on the business of our lives, our fears, and self-interests, that we can become deaf to the cries of those broken by poverty, racism, and violence.”

May we let Christ be the good editor of our lives. Helping us to see what may have been missed, and hear what we may be oblivious to.