
Holy Thursday, 2020

After supper, Jesus poured water into a basin and begin to wash the disciples’ feet. “What I am doing, you do not understand now, but you will understand later,” He told them.

Father Jerry said in today’s homily, “Perhaps the invitation to us this Holy Thursday is not only to pray in gratitude for Jesus’ act of humble service, which sets the example for us, but also to recall how we have been aided by the love and care of others, and to remember them tonight in prayer. So it is up to you and I to mark this day by washing someone’s feet. Not physically, of course, but by doing something for someone else… someone in your own household, someone in need or crisis. And better still, do it quietly saying nothing.”

Tonight at 7 pm, the Diocese of San Diego will be offering Holy Thursday Mass on their website. You may view it here. In the meantime, we invite you to watch Father Jerry’s video for Holy Thursday below: