
Monday of the 14th Week in Ordinary Time

Most of us have either experienced, or are the products of, a good marriage. Marriages that are not perfect, not smooth sailing all the time, but marriages of two spouses who love each other above all else. Who find their lives, their joy, and their purpose in the happiness of the other. Who are one in heart and one in mind as they set out to create a life together. Such marriages are not defined by wealth or status, but by joy and generosity. It’s that kind of marriage that Hosea and the prophets of Scripture hold up as the perfect image of God’s relationship with his beloved.

Hosea’s image of God is not that of a vengeful, jealous, angry God. But of a God of compassion, a God of forgiveness, a God of blessing, and grace. The same virtues that are at the heart of every good marriage. Or of any faithful friendship for that matter. Let us pray. O God, the source of all love and goodness, help us to embrace Your spirit of complete and total love. Love that is offered freely and unconditionally. Love that finds its meaning in the joy of those we love. Love that mirrors Your perfect and ever faithful care for all Your sons and daughters.