
The 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

This weekend the church universal celebrates the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, and we as a nation celebrate the anniversary of our independence.

In every generation, countless numbers of people sit on their hands for a lifetime, waiting for someone else to do something. But what we celebrate on this Fourth of July weekend is that in every generation there have also been many good people who haven’t sat around waiting, but who have done what was needed. And whether we agree with their tactics or not, the thousands who have been peacefully demonstrating, to remind us that black lives matter, are doing just that. And hopefully we will remember that all lives matter, from conception until natural death.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus promises, “Take my yoke upon your shoulders and learn from me. For my yoke is easy and my burden light.” In other words, if we accept Jesus’ message to help heal the world and take His yoke upon our shoulders, we are guaranteed the power of Jesus’ spirit who will enable us to do whatever it is that we need to do to help. We have the assurance that the partner who is helping us to walk through life, doing the kinds of things that He would do, and saying the kinds of things that He would say, is none other than Jesus Christ himself.

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