
The 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

This morning, Father Jerry reads from the Holy Gospel according to Matthew. Father reflects and says, “I know that today’s gospel seems a bit confusing with all its talk about declaring war on the family, and carrying our cross, and losing our lives in order to find them,” says Father, “But what Jesus is really saying is that the price for the kind of happiness that we want, is everything we’ve got. Nothing less than the investment of our whole selves will do.”

Listen as Father shares a cute story with no fewer than two twists and turns. “There was a charming little village in the middle of one of the finest wine producing areas in the world,” he says, “The villagers decided to have a great festival. Each villager was asked to bring a bottle of his or her own wine and pour it into a giant barrel, from which everyone would fill their glasses.” One of the villagers felt clever, and began to outsmart the system, as he took calculated steps to save wine for himself to drink at home.

As the plot unfolds, what happens next is both amusing and incredibly sad. As you listen, you may even wonder if you’ve been in a similar situation. Watch today’s video and hear Father Jerry’s smart advice on how we can all experience more joy, while preventing damage to our own hearts, by not “doing the least” or trying to “get away with something.”