
Thursday of the 14th Week in Ordinary Time

Today, Father Jerry shares an inspiring story of caring friends pitching in to help others. “A group of friends with big dreams and even bigger hearts started a summer business that is helping black-owned businesses and neighborhoods in Minneapolis,” said Father, “Nine-year-old Cameron Johnson marshaled her friends, ages five to twelve, to start making colorful string friendship bracelets. They hoped to sell a few and donate the proceeds to local groups in need. They would have been delighted to raise maybe $50 for the project.”

So far, the kids have raised well over $40,000! “The money is being distributed to black-owned businesses, food drives and nonprofits that help struggling families,” said Father Jerry, “Cameron has a huge heart and simply wanted to be of help in whatever way she could. Cameron and her friends have taken on Jesus’ commission to the twelve in today’s Gospel, to proclaim that the kingdom of heaven is at hand. God’s kingdom of mercy and justice is now.”